JA BizTown Program Overview
JA BizTown combines classroom learning with an engaging simulation experience that encourages student innovation, creativity, and collaboration. Through daily lessons, activities, and then participation in the JA BizTown simulation, students develop a deep connection between what they learn in school and how it connects to their future success.
While working in JA BizTown, students discover careers, build financial skills, collaborate with classmates, exercise civic duties, invest in the community, and more! With both in-person and virtual options, it’s accessible for students around our region.

Curriculum Options
As a teacher implementing JA BizTown curriculum, you'll have two options for your classroom. Junior Achievement programs are designed to correlate with state academic standards and help educators meet their classroom goals.
JA BizTown Traditional Curriculum
(Printed Materials)
Provides educators with lessons and resources to effectively integrate the curriculum into the school classroom. It consists of 12 teacher-led in-classroom lessons that prepare students for the simulated community experience. The materials contain curriculum guides, student workbooks, and support for the JA Learning Platform.
Review the following for more details:
JA BizTown Self-Guided Curriculum
(Electronic Materials)
A series of 33 topics that students can complete independently or as a class. Each topic, ranging from 5 – 10 minutes, contains short animations, exploratory activities, and knowledge checkpoints. The self-guided option is a condensed, flexible experience that educators can plan and implement easily. Lessons are contained on the JA Learning Platform.
Review the following for more details:
Simulation Options
To bring the curriculum to life, JA BizTown culminates with an experiential learning opportunity. Ideally, this occurs onsite at our Learning Labs in St. Paul. To help increase access to this transformational experience, we are excited to offer alternative options. As you register, you'll choose from the following options for the simulation experience:
Learning Labs
The JA BizTown onsite learning experience brings students to our Learning Labs in St. Paul for a day-long visit where they are paired with volunteers and work in one of our JA BizTown shops.
JA Biztown Adventures is an online, self-guided learning experience that students can access inside or outside the classroom. This online, interactive alternative is for students who are unable to visit our building.
JA BizTown Pop-up is brought directly to you. Students bring learning to life through a marketplace simulation. Students will work with their teams to complete a business challenge and participate in the JA BizTown circular economy.
Ready to bring JA BizTown to your classroom? Sign up today!

If you have additional questions or want to explore the program further, please contact Jennifer Baldwin to learn more.