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Utility Company

The Utility Company supports JA BizTown’s energy needs. Engineers research and build a natural gas pipeline system.  Environmental Specialists respond to service calls to check on pipelines throughout BizTown. Gas Meter Installers/Readers make sure each business has access to natural gas energy, and that they are being billed accurately for how much energy businesses use.


You may enjoy working here if you like:

  • Math
  • Puzzles/Problem Solving
  • Environment
  • Working outside
  • Science
  •  Obtains bank loan
  • Supervises employees and oversees business operations
  • Signs paychecks
  • Meets with other businesses to purchase insurance, renewable energy, and health insurance
  • Helps other employees with their work, and stands in for them on their breaks
  • Inputs and submits business loan to the bank
  • Creates and prints paychecks
  • Signs paychecks if CEO is not available
  • Pays online bills sent to business
  • Monitors money coming into the business
  • Sends online invoices to businesses
  • Deposits money from sales to Bank
  • Apply for a permit to lay natural gas pipeline
  • Using a magnetic map and pipe pieces, create a natural gas pipeline system that is safe for the environment
  • Create a budget to make sure your pipeline is affordable
  • Use a natural gas detector in response to a possible gas release in BizTown
  • Test soil from a work site to make sure contamination is removed before work begins on a natural gas pipeline
  • Install gas meters at businesses throughout BizTown
  • Return to businesses and accurately read gas meters to find out how much energy was used

Students in Action